
Re: connecting Rimbo - Stadsutveckling


Typ: Öppen Arkitekttävling 2:a Plats
Plats: Rimbo, Norrtälje Kommun 
Arkitekt: Emma Lindberg
Status: Tävlingsförslag

The proposal shows three strategies of Reconnection:

Reconnecting fragmented natural land - Existing nature have been identified. Together with planned new parks, these will be joined in a coherent recreational green loop for people, plants and animals.

Reconnecting social meeting points - Existing meeting points have been identified. Most of these are situated along the Green Loop. New meeting points will be added, strengthening the importance of the Loop as a biological and recreational framework.

Reconnecting to Rimbo’s historical past - Our aim is to preserve and renew at the same time by assuring that new additions preserve and strengthen existing values. The Green Loop is the key framework, but it can also be seen as a link between Rimbo’s past, present, and future.

Rimbo is surrounded by different types of nature - from agricultural fields and pasture land to woods, wetlands, lakes, and streams. In addition to these, existing nature have been identified and, together with planned new parks, these will be joined in a coherent recreational green loop for people, plants and animals. Reconnecting fragmented landscape areas into a continuous loop is a way for urbanity and nature to coexist, creating a dispersal route for animals and plants

Köpmannagatan will also be part of the Green Loop. A pocket park and space for planting and rainwater collection will be added along Köpmannagatan, bringing more green value into the city center.

The Garden Block

Housing in Rimbo was developed with the garden city concept in mind, where nature and outdoor living comprise part of its identity. Four principles characterize a garden city: moderate density, low building heights, gardens for all housing units, and traditional streets and squares with public services. It is an ideal mix between city and country living. Large houses are often situated along main roads, while lower houses face smaller local streets. The proposalis interpreting these principles into a new city block called ”The Garden Block”.